My Council

Council Strategies/Plans and Documents

You can find all of our strategic documents and plans here.

If you can’t find what you are looking for please don’t hesitate to contact us.


The below document was submitted to the Federal Government and made available to all other Lyons Candidates.

Please note that at times we may remove sensitive and confidential information regarding costings etc.

State Election Submission 2024_

Federal Election Submission 2022 FINAL PUBLIC VERSION

Other documents:


Gifts & Donations Register

Investment Assistance Program

Request For Quote Slashing 2021

Customer Service Brochure


Disability Action Plan 2021 -2024

Briefing Document – St Helens Sports Complex – 2013

Strategy – Moving Forward – Break O’Day Council – Sport & Recreation Plan – 20002010

David H Brown – Feasibility Study for the Development of an Aquatic Centre in the Break O’Day Municipality – 2005

Feasibility Study – Indoor sports and aquatic Centre – Thompson and Tregear 2004

Register of Public Land

Fingal Free Camping – Public Benefit Test

KPMG – Break O Day Council – Boundary Adjustment Abridged Report – Glamorgan Spring Bay – September 2017

Binalong Bay Foreshore Master Plan

Disability Action Plan 2015-2019